This is one of the few IF issues I don't own, so if you have an extra copy lying around, and you want to send me one, I will totally appreciate it. I'll even add your name to the Geniusboy Firemelon blog hall of fame. Forever.
Speaking of Superman Beyond #1, Chad Nevett and I talk about it this week. We were going to run a different conversation, probably something about how much we love/don't love puppies and/or luncheon meat, but instead, we decided to tackle the comic that is completely setting the world aflame this week: Final Crisis: Superman Beyond. I'm pretty sure CNN would cover it, if it weren't for that dang DNC and that lady veep thing that's going on.
So join Chad and I as we discuss the most baffling Final Crisis-related issue yet over at the internet's best smarty-pants discussion center: The Splash Page.
Click HERE.
...oh my god, we should have talked politics instead of Final Crisis: Superman Beyond #1! Politics are way better than comics!
We will TOTALLY have to buy that ridiculous DC political comic and do a political special on the Splash Page.
I'm looking at that, and I'm wondering, how come my side gets Winick?
I'm looking at it and wondering "How is it that a comic book about politics doesn't interest this comic-loving political junkie in the least?"
I tried to link to the cover of "Dc: Decisions" #1, just to emphasize how bad this thing looks, but the url was funky. Try this:
But if the comic were written by Matt Fraction and Dave Sim, I bet you'd be excited then! Even with this cover of horrible-ness. (That can't really be the cover, right?)
A comic by Fraction and Sim would be worth getting excited over, don't you think?
I'm excited and it doesn't even exist.
Personally, Warren Ellis would be my first choice for this book.
Warren Ellis writing both sides?
The man knows politics. And why oh why does the book require a writer for each "side"? Are these not professionals capable of writing characters with differing--even opposite--views?
...screw buying the comic, we can do the column right here, right now. Heh.
What's awesome about Decisions is that it's not even just its own mini anymore, apparently it's launching the next half-year-plus of Titans and Teen Titans stories, as well as Wolfman's Vigilante ongoing.
Could it be possible that Darkseid has been the Anti-Monitor all along? Anti-life equation, omega effect, etc.. That seems like the sort of coincidental connection to which Morrison likes to latch on and give deeper meaning.
Darkseid did remove himself from the first Crisis and didn't even participate in iCrisis. I dunno, I'm just thinking out loud.
I think it's very possible that Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor are both constructs of some more powerful force, which would indeed make the two of them aspects of the same thing.
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