It hit a few slumps in the middle of its run, most notably the issues drawn by Paul Gulacy, but it rebounded with Will Pfeifer and the work of David and Alvaro Lopez.
And the final issue is the perfect capstone on the series, ending with one of Catwoman's best thefts ever.
Pfeifer says he has nothing lined up at DC right now, but he's hopeful. I am too, because he clearly wasn't to blame for the travesty of Amazons Attack! and his other work has been very, very good. If you find back issues of Catwoman in any discount bins, grab 'em -- especially the from the early part of the run or from the last three years or so. You won't be disappointed.
See ya, Catwoman, it's been real.
This is totally irrelevant to Catwoman, but if you've got a hole in your monthly purchases, ever read Fear Agent by Rick Rememnder? I'm just getting into it and gathering all the back issues, and it's a lot of fun. I think you'd like it.
I have all the trades, yeah.
Will Pfeiffer is indeed a good writer, and I've enjoyed his work since at least H for Hero as well as his Catwoman. I hope he's given something to write soon.
Didn't Ed Brubaker write some Catwoman, too? or was that not in the ongoing?
Yeah, he launched the series and wrote it for quite a while!
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