So, for this week's WHEN WORDS COLLIDE, I wrote about three brand new anthologies instead, and never even got around to mentioning Taboo at all.
But that's because I had so much to say about Comic Book Tattoo, MySpace Dark Horse Presents, and Mome. You should totally read my column: Anthology Daze.
Also (super also), I have a CBR Forum now! That's right, you can post on the WHEN WORDS COLLIDE forum and tell me everything I got wrong, try to get me kicked out of the writer's guild, and generally taunt and/or amuse others. You can also say smart stuff that I will totally refute or maybe agree with. Join me, won't you: WWC Forum!
Loved TABOO. Yeah, we all know FROM HELL and LOST GIRLS were in there. But there was so much else that was good. For my money, it was doubtlessly one of the best anthologies ever, and I tracked down every issue.
Only problem is that TABOO deserves a column all its own.
I know--and since I didn't even mention it, I still have fodder for a new column! Look for it, sometime in the magical FUTURE!
You've actually inspired me to write a long piece about the whole anthology format, which I've cross posted on my blog and on Sequart.org. Hope you don't mind the links -- I did link to your column in my first sentence!
Keep the great columns going, Tim! I'm really enjoying "When Worlds Collide."
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