But with Green Lantern Corps #27, Tomasi has kicked this title into mad genius overdrive. It has some character bits between Kyle Raynor and Guy Gardner that work just fine -- as they open their American Diner on Oa -- but it's the two other subplots that really make this issue excellent. The first one, clear foreshadowing toward "Darkest Night," deals with a Green Lantern who can talk to the dead, and it's creepy and engaging. The second one, though -- the one indicated on the cover -- shows a monstrous new villain who's zipping around the galaxy, killing the families of Green Lanterns.
Those eyeballs dropping from the sky on that cover? That's not a metaphorical image. (Okay, the eyeballs are a little smaller in the actual issue.) Any comic that ends with a shower of dead GL family member's eyeballs is worth my attention.
Surprise of the week! Nicely done, Peter Tomasi.
He didn't draw this issue, but I really like regular penciller Patrick Gleason. But aside from the odd bit (Gibbons' evil space-babies), the writing's never done it for me, whoever's been at the helm.
I like Gleason, but Luke Ross did a great job on the interiors here.
I've been loving this book since the mini, but it's been getting better and better. The first year was really good, but I like where Tomasi is headed.
Luke Ross, though? Isn't he the one who did that last issue of Captain America? That was a very jarring switch and didn't do it for me.
However, Gleason's art took a while to grow on me, so....
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