Ever since the original Jeff Parker/Leonard Kirk miniseries, I've wanted to like "Agents of Atlas" more than I actually have, and I'm not sure that's changed now that the ongoing series is out. (Though as much as I like Kirk's artwork, the stuff Pagulayan's doing here is even better.)
So what do I think about issue #5, scheduled to hit comic shops tomorrow? Read my review and find out: AGENTS OF ATLAS #5 CBR REVIEW
Did Billy Tan kick your dog or something? He's not the best artist ever, but he's not THAT bad. There's certainly far more offensive artists working on major books. He's better than Andy Kubert, for example.
I don't really dislike him all that much, but Pagulayan is AWESOME. Can you not see that Gorilla with a gun???
Pagulayan is pretty awesome. I need to add some comics to my pull list with Captain Britain and Young Liars being canclled, Agents of Atlas and Incredible Herc are the top candidates. I'm holding out to see if Milligan's Greek Street is as good as I'm hoping it will be.
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