2) Brubaker's leaving "Daredevil," and he won't stay on "Captain America" forever, so I'd rather see him bring back Steve Rogers and complete his epic Steve Rogers/Bucky storyline than have someone else come in and finish it their own way.
3) "Reborn" may not bring Steve Rogers back from the dead anyway. It might be a fake-out like that Captain Marvel/Brainwashed Skrull thing. Oh, that turned out to be a terrible waste of time, didn't it?
4) I've become less and less interested in Bryan Hitch over the years. I think he peaked during his short tenure on "JLA," but this series has Butch Guice on inks, so I wonder how that will change the look of the comic. Still, Hitch has shifted from Widescreen artist, to Wide-Angle-Lens with photorealistic Closeup artist, and I prefer the former.
5) If Steve Rogers does come back, perhaps he and the Bucky-Cap, and the crazed 1950s Cap can all team up when Bendis takes over the series and changes it to "The Captain American Super-Squad."
6) Or maybe Geoff Johns, post-Blackest Night, will take over the series and explore the metaphysical meaning of the "Cap Force."
7) How exactly would Steve Rogers come back, do you think? Cosmic Cube?
8) I'm more annoyed at the change in numbering on the "Captain America" series than I am about anything this "Reborn" series could possibly be about.
9) I trust Brubaker to do this right, whatever it is.
10) I trust the internet to overreact, whatever it is.
I'm still hoping for Cap-Wolf.
I'm betting it's some kind of swerve; I can't see why he'd bring Cap back in a mini after keeping his story so self-contained for 4 years. Also, if Hitch is drawing it, it's going to be late, and presumably that will screw up the timeline of the Cap comic while Hitch takes 5 months to draw issue 3. Marvel may not plan for that sort of thing, but I'm thinking Brbaker does. It just doesn't seem too likely. Also, that advertising is just too damn obvious if that's what it is, so I really hope it's a swerve.
But don't they WANT to make the advertising obvious? Isn't that what advertising is for? Wouldn't it be stranger if Steve Rogers randomly appeared without warning, thereby not taking advantage of any hype and thus not selling as many comics?
Yet, I also suspect it's a swerve, because I think comic advertising is often misleading on purpose.
"2) Brubaker's leaving "Daredevil," and he won't stay on "Captain America" forever, so I'd rather see him bring back Steve Rogers and complete his epic Steve Rogers/Bucky storyline than have someone else come in and finish it their own way."
I know you were joking on some of these, but the joking seemed to start after #4, so I'll respond to #2 seriously.
I wouldn't worry too much about Brubaker leaving. I read an interview with Brubaker about leaving Daredevil, and he talked about how Elvis said it was better to walk out than run out. On Captain America, though, he said they'd have to make him run, implying that he'd be on the title for a bit longer.
Having said that, Reborn does indeed look like Steve's return. Even though the teasers are obvious, I really don't think Marvel would hype things this much, get Hitch to draw a mini, and have no good payoff.
Then again, we've also seen teasers of Captain America #600 about the female Bucky from Onslaught Reborn. So, maybe the new Reborn series is about her?
Oh, how the fans would groan.
I agree that there's no real reason to bring back Steve Rogers now. Captain America seems to be doing fine saleswise and personally, I think Bucky is, as of now at least, a more interesting character than Steve Rogers.
The only real reason Marvel would want to do this now is to really stick it to DC. Bruce Wayne will probably return sometime next summer and even with Hitch-related delays Reborn would be done by then, and Marvel would once again have outshined DC with a much more low-profile character. Marvel's marketing department seems to be lightyears ahead of DC's so it's perfectly doable, especially since Batman's "death" was such a PR-mess in the first place.
By the way, is Michael Lark leaving Daredevil also? If so: what's he doing next? And what's David Aja doing at the moment, it seems a waste to have two of the finest artists in the business not doing regular and/or high profile work. You don't want a legion of John Paul Leons out there.
My theory is that Steve Rogers will regenerate back to Cap size thanks to the super soldier serum just like it did after the Baron Zemo explosion. Perhaps, that's why we're getting so many references to it.
Also it doesn't seem as though he got shot in the head or the heart, just a couple of times in his gut and once in the shoulder.
GeniusboyFiremelon writes: 5) If Steve Rogers does come back, perhaps he and the Bucky-Cap, and the crazed 1950s Cap can all team up when Bendis takes over the series and changes it to "The Captain American Super-Squad."
and then Bruce wrote: I know you were joking on some of these, but the joking seemed to start after #4, so I'll respond to #2 seriously.
So does that mean Bendis coming to Cap is a joke? ::crosses fingers::
I don't think this is going to be a lame swerve, but there are just a few plot points from Cap I want to point out up on here.
1. Sharon's kid. She seemed to have miscarried after the time door incident, and we learned in #49 that she saw something in the time door that reminded her of Steve.
2. When Captain America died, he reverted to an old man overnight. Tony said "their best guess" (and Brubaker was careful to phrase this as SHIELD conjecture) was that this happened because it wasn't the ice that kept Captain America young all those years, it was the super-soldier serum, and when he died the serum lost its effect.
The thing is, that directly contradicts Brubaker's own Cap #10, when in the alternate House of M timeline Captain America looks, like, 80. So it had to be the ice. So something happened overnight - something that could possibly involve, I dunno, a time door - that replaced Steve's body with a much older Steve's body.
Now, this could be the actual Steve, it could be a cloned Steve body from Sharon, or it could actually just be Steve's son who fell through the time door during the "miscarriage." I have no idea. But this is a big dangling plot thread that Brubaker's implying a resolution to soon, and the timing with Captain America #600 and Reborn is just too fortuitous.
Also, if Steve Rogers comes back, there's nothing that says he has to be Captain America again.
.... We don't know the child's sex... it might be a girl!!!!....I have to discover how she becomes 15 all of the sudden, cosmic cube???
I agree with Matt, Marvel has to ask its fanbase to choose which comics deserve a break in the big screen... It should stop dreaming that rotten tomatoes would exclude them from such awful distinctions.
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