He briefly mentioned how Morrison's "Doom Patrol" was one of his favorites as a younger reader, and that he will have the chance to work on a couple of Morrison's Marvel characters in a project later this year.
How many Marvel characters does Morrison have? The Skrull Kill Krew is already in their own series, and while I suppose Aaron could be working on an Angel and Beak limited series, I can't help but hope that Aaron will get a chance to tackle "Marvel Boy" himself, Noh-Varr (and company).
What say you?
The only Marvel writer who should pick up that particular baton from Morrison is Matt Fraction. Jason Aaron is a great writer, but he can go ahead and do The Continuing Adventures of Beak and Angel. Give Marvel Boy 2 to Fraction.
I kinda agree with D. Lynam, above; in terms of - I think there's a straight path from where Aaron is leaping off with his Wolverine: Weapon X series to the Weapon Plus stuff, in particular Fantomex.
The possibilities are pretty much entirely as follows: Noh-Varr, Special Class, Weapon Plus and, I suppose, the Skrull Kill Krew. Maybe Xorn? But that's such a clusterfuck at this point.
Marvel are doing a writing equivalent to their scatterbrained Young Guns promotional-thing, and Jason Aaron is one of the chosen four. He says all four writers will collaborate on something later this year, and that's where the mystery Morrison character(s) will pop up.
Noh-Varr via Dark Avengers, or any of the New X-stuff seems like the safest bet.
Aaron, Hickman, and Remender? Great choices, though.
Guesses for #4? Paul Cornell seems at about the right stature (Captain Britain cancellation notwithstanding), but he'd stick out a bit stylistically. Matt Fraction's surely too well-established, though given some of the recent "Young Guns", I wouldn't put it past them. Kathryn Immonen?
Jeff Parker or Fred Van Lente would be my guess.
I'm extremely surprised they didn't use Parker, Van Lente of Cornell (though it probably started as a collaborative writing project that turned into a publicity stunt). Imo those guys are on the same level if not better than a few of the Write Stuff guys.
I just found out what Morrison character(s) Aaron will be writing later this year. But I'm now sworn to secrecy. Ugh. I'll say this, though: it's not Xorn.
Andy Diggle, d'oh. Seems obvious now.
Tim, blink twice if it's Fantomex.
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