Recently reviewed by me at CBR:
Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge #3, about which I write the following sentences: "
Johns has become a master of the tightly-paced, character-rich superhero event, and 'Rogues' Revenge' is a worthy successor to his best 'Flash' stories of yesteryear. The only downside here is Scott Kolins art, which does a nice job capturing the energy of the story but looks sloppy in individual panels. As he's shifted away from his clear line style toward more crosshatching and thicker line weights in the past year or two, Kolins has actually ruined what made his work so interesting. All his new style does is emphasize his awkward sense of anatomy and adds a stiffness to his characters that wasn't as problematic when the texture was left to the colorist. Kolins can still compose thrilling pages, though, even if the single panels don't quite work as drawings."
Read the entire review
Well, what I think will happen is that that current Flash series will get cancelled, for Flash Rebirth to run it's course and eventually a new #1 starring Barry Allen.
It makes sense on a lot of levels, Johns has already re-established Barry's Rogues during his tenure on Wally West the Flash. He has also made more than successful work for DC with his revamp of Hal Jordan, which was a very similar situation.
Who knows, perhaps this time next year, DC will have two Flash books running simultaneously, a feat matched only by the height of Waid's Flash run, when DC published Impulse alongside it.
Wait--did I imply otherwise? I thought it was common knowledge that the current Flash book would be cancelled and a new, Barry Allen-centric one would arise from "Rebirth."
Ethan Van Sciver also mentioned recently (I think in a Newsarama interview - I don't recall exactly) that he had designed an all-new costume for Wally West, which makes me think he's about to be relegated to the intermediate pseudo-Limbo that is Kyle Rayner-dom. So I'd expect a new Flash #1 (or maybe Flash #351?) come August or September.
Wally can always hang out in various Titans-related books, something Kyle doesn't really have the option of doing. Instead he gets to be carried by Guy Gardner into the land of relevance in GLC
It's too bad, really. I always liked Wally as Flash (of course, I'm only 22, so he's the only Flash I've ever known--Barry Allen died before I was born. It doesn't explain why Hal is my favorite Lantern, but whatever).
>Ethan Van Sciver also mentioned recently (I think in a Newsarama interview - I don't recall exactly) that he had designed an all-new costume for Wally West, which makes me think he's about to be relegated to the intermediate pseudo-Limbo that is Kyle Rayner-dom.
I don't think that will happen, Wally was always a part of the book as Kid Flash, and people embraced his own series when DC gave it a shot.
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