Recently reviewed by me at CBR:
Invincible Iron Man #6, about which I write the following sentences: "
'Invincible Iron Man' #6 isn't perfect, and it's not Matt Fraction's best work, by any means -- that would be 'Casanova,' which, as one of the best comics of the decade, would be hard to top -- but this is a good, solid superhero story. It works particularly well as the culmination of the first half-year of plot developments. On its own 'Invincible Iron Man' #6 is an extended fight scene, but as the climax of the Ezekiel Stane/Tony Stark conflict, it's a successful piece of storytelling. The fight scene does have its nice moments, like the cliffhanger from last issue where Iron Man's head is blown off, carried over here into an assault by a battalion of remote-controlled Iron Men. What would an Iron Man comic be without a multitude of different armor designs? Not as cool. Not by a longshot."
Read the entire review
I think Iron Man is some of of Fractions best superhero writing, but man I wish someone else was drawing it. Or colouring it, at least. Yeesh.
By the way, how awesome is Aja's variant cover? I would hang that on my wall.
I thought this was the best-looking issue so far, actually. But I still dislike D'Armata's coloring on everything, and when Larroca falls into using Sawyer from "Lost" as a reference for every male character.
Re: Aja's variant cover -- I just pretend the other cover doesn't exist. This one is so great.
My love of Lost made newuniversal all the better.
It's not the most exciting book on the stands *right now*, but Fraction's dialogue and plotting so far have been superb and he seems to be really shooting for the long game, so I really think in another ten to twelve issues or so this book'll be spoken about in the same referent whispers as BruCap.
reverent, not referent! agh!
Part of what I enjoy so much about Fractions Iron Man is the level of craft. He's not technically doing anything revolutionary - he's doing a very skillful job of injecting much-needed humanity into Tony, and his ideas for Stane are cool, but ultimately this isn't a massively revolutionary comic. It just does such a great job of looking & feeling revolutionary that it sucks me right in.
It's almost like after so many fits and starts and reboots for Iron Man, an evolutionary take is revolutionary in and of itself.
I think Iron Man has the potential to be really good in the long run and I'm enjoying it enough right now to stick with it.
But I really wish Fraction would have stuck with Iron Fist and I really, really want to see more Casanova soon.
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