Read Jonah Weiland's welcome message to find out more, and...
Check out all of my Comic Book Resources reviews HERE and then tell me how wrong I am (hint: I'm not wrong at all. My opinion is truth). Not all of my reviews are posted yet, so look for more stuff to appear every couple of days for the rest of your life.
Absolutely fantastic, Tim. Congratulations! For a while, I couldn't get CBR at work, but they redid the screening and I can get comic book stuff during the day. (Hey, they call them free periods for a reason. How else can I read and blog and read blogs?)
CBR goes on my blog roll tomorrow.
All-Star Superman 10 - best comic of the decade? Could be, rabbit.
Congrats again, my friend.
That is awesome, I'm a big fan of the site so glad to see you on it.
Are you going to end up with your own column at some point? You'd make a great fit.
I kind of feel like Susan Sarandon in Bull Duram. Tim, you're Tim Robbins. We've been banging for a while, and you've been improving little by little under my sexy tutelage. You still hit the bull mascot in the head from time to time, but for the most part, the majors have had their eye on you. Now you've been called up, and we can't bang anymore because you'll be getting some much hotter tail in the big dance.
Why won't you look at me? Aren't I pretty anymore?
Marc C: Free periods are good.
Marc W: Yes, I am scheduled to have a CBR column within a month or two (something where I'll connect some recent release to some larger context--like maybe my analysis of Final Crisis will provide a juxtaposition of Morrison's Zenith with Kirby's recently reprinted Fourth World--that sort of thing).
Mike: This is awkward.
Is it possible to subscribe to a feed of just your articles. Will they come to my normal CBR news feed?
You can subscribe to the CBR review feed here: http://www.comicbookresources.com/feed.php?feed=reviews
(And if you can't see that, you'll see a "feed" button on the CBR reviews box.)
Once my column gets going, it should be included in the regular CBR news feed I would assume. I could be wrong.
If you HAVEN'T seen Bull Duram, then, well, I probably seem like a pretty freaky guy. But if you HAVE seen Bull Duram, well...you have a great mustache.
Nevermind...I'm drunk.
Ellipses have three periods.
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