Once in a generation, a comic arrives to change the face of the industry. That comic is probably not
Punisher War Journal but, you know what, two smart guys talking about Punisher comics can lead to some pretty insightful observations about graphic narrative. None of which necessarily occurs in this week's installment of THE SPLASH PAGE, but it might. You'll never know until you read it.
Check out Chad Nevett and I, as we discuss Matt Fraction, Garth Ennis, and Frank Castle here:
THE SPLASH PAGE: Punisher War Journal vs. the Assembled Critics!
Out of curiosity, how old are you?
I am 35 in reality.
Ah, so you really are an entire decade older than me. Cool.
Then at 41, I am that much older and therefore that much cooler.
This IS the website for fallacious logic, isn't it?
I think the entire internet is for fallacious logic, isn't it?
And, yes, you are cooler than Chad and I combined.
...I'm not cool at all.
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