Also, Chad drops some Raymond Chandler smackdown on comics fans, so you don't want to miss that.
This cover I've shown here once again has nothing to do with the issue we're discussing, I just happen to like it a heck of a lot more than that poorly painted thing they slapped on issue #36. Plus, is that MODOK with a torso? Man, I have to track that issue down--I bet it's even better than this Brubaker stuff anyway.
Read the newest installment of THE SPLASH PAGE: Here!
EDITED TO ADD: Thanks to the handy-dandy convenience of the Cap dvd-rom collection, I did indeed get a chance to read Captain America #132 and I still don't know why MODOK has a torso on the cover--inside, he's just regular old MODOK (which is still pretty awesome). The issue probably is better than Brubaker's Cap, since #132 features not just MODOK, Bucky, and Cap, but also: The Falcon (lamenting that he can't be Cap's BFF now that the Buckster's alive), Nick Fury (chompin on a cigar and shouting stuff like "Nuts!" which he probably doesn't use as a curse word anymore), and Dr. Doom (seriously)! And, that scene on the cover isn't a metaphor, Bucky really prepares to smash Cap's head in with a rock, only it's because he's being remote-controlled (via joystick) by MODOK! Because Bucky is not really Bucky! He's a robot! All told in one issue, folks, by Stan Lee and Gene Colan. Comics, the way they used to be.
See, I love Aja's work and would DEFINITELY have preferred more by him, I didn't mind Tonci Zonjic's stuff. It's not nearly as good, but, like I said, it has a similar look, which, at least, keeps the issue flowing. But, I also understand that lesser artists with similar styles can be even more annoying because it reminds you of the greater artist and the fact that he/she is not drawing the book.
Otherwise, awesome column this week. We deserve much praise for our brilliance.
This is TOTALLY going to sound like a name drop, but I started e-mailing David Aja back during the first arc. When the new issue comes out, I usually drop him a line (he was stoked that all of us held IF in high regard for the best of 2007). After last issue's fill in and the low page count this time, I asked if he was OK. He's just had a baby boy, his first child.
Did anyone see the cover for June's IF? Amazing. It's a done-in-one, all Aja, cover to cover.
In other solicits, Midnighter's going down at 20, and Jason Aaron's doing a two-part Hellblazer in which part of the plot is about John's old band. That's a mix of comics and music sure to please this guy.
How selfish of him! Like having a baby is more important, somehow, then drawing a wicked sweet version of Fat Cobra!?!
I'm psyched about everything Jason Aaron does. If that guy keeps it up, I may have to rethink the "I heart Grant Morrison" tattoo on my chest.
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