The odds of me contributing to an internet meme are slim, but this
"Influence Map" thing just looks so nice and pretty when it's done, I couldn't resist. And this map shall guide me for the rest of my days. Click to explore.

I had a ton more influences to add to this, but I pared it down to the essentials. It was tough, but it needed to be done. And this map is me.
I just screwed around in GiMP for half an hour attempting to make my own, but I gave up because I'm incompetent.
My influences are pretty easy to chart anyway. In descending order: Grant Morrison, Kurt Vonnegut, Joss Whedon, Douglas Adams, Jack Kirby, Doctor Who, Raimi and Campbell, Pegg and Wright, Bill Murray, The Barenaked Ladies.
Very interesting, Tim. How much can I read into these images? Is "The Coyote Gospel" your quintessential Morrison comic?
Well, yeah. Plus, my name is in that issue!!!
"And the name Grant Morrison meant nothing to me." You've come so far :)
My whole career has been an attempt to make up for my youthful ignorance.
At least you don't have a letter in the back of Youngblood.
I do have a letter in the back of the Liefeld Hawk and Dove, which is about as close as you can get.
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