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If you're too lazy to visit our podcast page, you can click on the title of this blog entry to listen directly to Episode 5.
I can't believe how deep Ryan's voice was at age 10.
Really? I didn't notice. Must be an audio problem on your end, probably.
So neither computers in my household bring up this fantastical web-show so I am downtrodden because I have not gotten to listen to awsomest web show ever...when I click any link to it the podcast site can't find it and I am now cutting myself just like the emo children...
Yeah--I got an e-mail from podomatic.com saying they lost 10% of the stuff on their site, and our podcast happened to be one of the things that crashed.
Maybe that should be our new tagline--"So Awesome, Podomatic Couldn't Contain It!"
Anyway, I'll get it uploaded again by Saturday (10/20). After that, it should work!
Episode 5 is now available on podomatic.com.
It looks like I'll have to upload all the episodes again! Ugh. Anyway, at least #5 works now.
I love 1980's sitcom's they were amazing. All of the shows were amazing on a thing we have called Nick-At-Nite from when I was 10. Oh and I'm just amazed that I was taught by the gentleman who coined the term "podcast" and "first person shooter" the genius-ness of it is amazing and blows my mind. I still play Duck Hunt by the way with an original gun.
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