In this week's Splash Page, we take our usual arrogance, double it, and then multiply it by ten, as we decree which comics were cancelled too early and which ones should have been cancelled while they were actually still good.
We also tell you what you should be reading right now. I don't think we're wrong, even if we do sound like pompous know-it-alls. Still, Chad and I have really good taste in comics, you have to admit. We're kind of flawless in every possible way.
Read our discussion of comics and cancellation in the newest installment of the internet's hottest oven o' controversy: The Splash Page.
Or, click. HERE.
By the way, Milligan's six-issue arc following Morrison on Animal Man is freaky and brilliant. Just so you know.
I'm very puzzled by the disconnect between much of the on-line reaction to books and the sales figures. I think that the people who read the crap are on creators' fora and such, while the discriminating readers have blogs. Or is that far too snotty?
I think the disconnect between online buzz and comic sales is the same disconnect between literary critics of prose novels and the New York Times best sellers list. Sure, sometimes they overlap, but a lot of times they don't.
If you want to stretch this further, the best musicians playing the most thought provoking and technically stimulating music rarely top the billboard chart. The Oscar winner (whether or not that really means much) for best picture is rarely ever the top grosser for the year.
This isn't a trend unique to comics, nor are comics so unique an art form that you should expect them to buck this trend. Comics boast a smaller, tighter community, true, but no more immune to the divide between critics and money making ability. There are exceptions in all cases, of course, but in general, it's what I'd expect to see in every commercial art form.
I think Milligan's Animal Man is second only to Morrison's but it's not a very close second.
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