Recently reviewed by me at CBR:
Punisher War Zone #6, about which I write the following sentences:
"Ennis also wraps up the Ma Gnucci/Elite plotline with a vicious climax, but rather than give away those particular grisly details, I'd just like to commend Steve Dillon for another job well done. A cursory glance at his work might not allow you to fully appreciate the depths of his talent, and it may even seem like he's drawing comics the same was he has for the past couple of decades. But his work in recent years has gained a greater sense of dimensionality, moving beyond the flat planes he emphasized for so long, and giving his comic book worlds a visual depth. He also tells a story with perfect clarity and grace, and his art on this comic -- as bloody as the subject matter can be -- is a wonderful cure for the chaotic muddiness that taints so many mainstream comics these days."
Read the entire review
Love the little insertion of what we'd been doing for this series... it might have worked a LITTLE better had the series actually come out weekly. But, with three four stars, two three-and-a-half and one two-and-a-half, that's an average rating of just over 3.5, which is pretty damn good for a six-issue mini reviewed by six different people. I'm still kind of surprised it actually worked out since Augie and I were less than hopeful about it.
And the two-and-a-half reads like a three-and-a-half review.
Of course it worked. We are all awesome at everything.
(And it was a good idea. We should start taking turns with Trinity each week!)
Yeah, the review read better than the rating--but that happens.
Doing Trinity would be quite interesting, because I think we might see a bit more variety in opinions than what happened here.
Really, I just like the idea of having a bit more interaction between one another's reviews when possible--even if it is just by juxtaposition.
I'm with you on the Dillon work. It's nice to see him back on Frank Castle, where his more mundane figures works so much better than something like Wolverine.
The final shot of Schitti on his cowboy romance get-away with the punkin cracked me up far more than would be expected for a Brokeback Mountain Melon Mountin' throw-away joke. I think it was the oddball and nonsensical touch of having the vegetable sitting on a little shrine in a pool of water that did it, for some reason.
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