Recently reviewed by me at CBR:
Doctor Doom and the Masters of Evil #1, about which I write the following sentences:
"Spider-Man's most dangerous villains (well, excluding Venom, and Carnage, and all the other ones with big, pointy teeth) are buffoonish clods throughout most of this issue, with only Mysterio using his powers to any great effect. The heroes they face, namely Iron Man and Dr. Strange, may play it a little more straight, yet they don't come across as all that competent either. It's only Doctor Doom who maintains his dignity here, and Tobin's version of the Marvel Adventures Universe is one filled with lighthearted violence and witty dialogue."
Read the entire review
When I first heard of this, I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be a Marvel Adventures book or not, since it wasn't really marketed as one. I'll need to check this out now.
I think it's a First Class type book, where it's in continuity but set waaaaaay in the past.
It was definitely one of the best books I've read this week, too. I want Tobin to co-write the Mysterio arc Dan Slott's got planned.
It's listed as "Marvel Adventures" according to the Marvel website.
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